Teams We Support

Executive Leadership
Anticipatory executive support: queries aligned to near and long-term business strategies
Deliver disruptive news as it happens (no surprises 24/7)
Special edition news briefs and research reports for company events such as earnings, acquisitions, etc.

Marketing queries sales teams on top customers/prospects and opportunities they’re pursuing to better understand the challenges customers/prospects are facing
We then create searches targeted to those needs
We enable the sales team to provide relevant, strategic insights to these customers/prospects as well as not be surprised by any news related to their customers
Similar searches for competitors so sales team can stay ahead of the news cycle.

Investor Relations
During earnings, background research on competitors, adjacent markets, etc., are provided
PowerPoint presentations are created to help PR and Marketing teams during chaotic times like earnings

Marketing & PR
As a silent partner, we offer in-depth support to teams without enough hands.
HTIN Brief contributes to PR strategy. Future tech stories are reviewed for trends and can be used to reach out to reporters with follow-up pitches
After an acquisition, company mentions run in hundreds of publications and HTIN creates special editions covering just the acquisition media coverage.

Trade Shows

CTOs use the HTIN Executive Brief in weekly team meetings to discuss new technologies, competitor announcements, and industry updates. Meeting participants would then use the topics on social media to comment on their perspective.

Product Management
News analysis gives product managers a strong understanding of how the product compares in the market.
Knowing what the competition is rolling out is paramount
News gives product managers and their teams a sense of strategies used by their competitors

Business Development
Tailors news and analysis of adjacent markets and new technologies the company is exploring.
Media Coverage Topics

Entertainment Delivery

OTT, PayTV, Streaming




Unified Communications (UC)

UC Platform